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1. Seedling Growing Products:

As Ayze Plastik, we offer you our expertise in production. We have a variety of products such as seedling/silicone grafting clips, seedling grafting labels, seedling grafting sticks, seedling grafting spoons, seedling inserts.

2. Special Design and Production:

We work with our expert team to produce specially designed plastic products to suit customer needs. We help you make your business processes more efficient by offering you customized solutions for your special projects.

3. Quality Control and Assurance:

As Ayze Plastik, we adhere to high quality standards in our production processes. We check our products carefully and are proud to offer our customers reliable, durable and high-quality plastic products.

4. Technological Solutions:

We constantly update our production facility by closely following the innovations and technological developments in the sector. Thus, we provide our customers with a competitive advantage by offering products produced with the latest technology.